ANIA Great Lakes Education Session - April 26 2023

When:  Apr 26, 2023 from 11:00 to 12:00 (ET)

Join us Wednesday April 26th for a Special Education Event!

Title: Crisis Informatics: An Introduction

Speaker: Edward G. Happ

Date/Time: April 26, 2023, 11:00am – noon EST

Edward G. Happ will present the characteristics of major disasters and the evolution of technology response. He will introduce basic data sources for understanding the context of disaster as well as framework for understanding the application of technologies to the scope, severity, context and phases of a crisis and response.

For information about receiving nursing continuing professional development contact hours, contact Melissa Romanini at


Online Instructions:
Login: Zoom Meeting ID: 917 6673 6279, Passcode: 585574


Karen Camacho