Dear SCeNIC members,
This notice serves as the official call for nominations for President and President-Elect. All candidates must be regular members in good standing for at least 2 successive years prior to their nomination. The term of office begins January 1, 2021.
Please follow the link HERE to complete the ANIA SCeNIC Call for Nominations survey. Enter the email address used for your ANIA account and nominate a SCeNIC member for the President and President-Elect board positions.
The survey will close on December 8, 2020 at 12Noon.
Any chapter member who is a full member (not student or honorary) of ANIA may be a candidate for
any office of that chapter. It is strongly recommended for a candidate to be an ANIA member 1 year
prior to running for chapter office. Full members of ANIA in that chapter are qualified to vote for
chapter officers. Chapters will hold annual elections for chapter offices of President, President-Elect,
Secretary, and Treasurer (or Secretary/Treasurer) each calendar year. In order to maintain stability, it
is recommended that the positions be staggered so that the entire chapter leadership does not
change in a single year.
1. Term of office for all board positions is two (2) years.
2. It is encouraged that officers not hold a term for more than two (2) consecutive (2) two year
If the chapter began its provisional status between
a. January 1 – October 31: First election will be held so that new officers take office January 1 of
the next year
b. November 1 – December 31: First election will be held so that new officers take office January
1 two year hence.
3. The Chapter Leadership Team (President, President-Elect, Secretary, and/or Secretary/
Treasurer) is responsible for filling all open chapter officer positions.
4. A call for nominations to the membership will be made by the Chapter President-Elect no less
than sixty (60) days prior to balloting. The call for nominations should be made via email to all
members and posted in the chapter's Website. All chapter members must have access to one of
the notifications of the opportunity to serve as a volunteer chapter leader.
5. If, after a call for nominations is made to all chapter members, there is only one (1) candidate for
an office (uncontested), those candidates may then be declared the winners.
6. If more than one (1) candidate for any office is identified, voting will take place via electronic ballot
for only active ANIA chapter member. Each active member may vote one time per position.
Contact the Chapter Coordinator to arrange for this.
7. The candidate receiving the highest number of votes will be declared the winner. In case of a tie,
the winner will be decided by lot by the Chapter Leadership team.
8. If a Leadership Team member is not able to meet their commitment, the chapter should follow the
Chapter bylaws.
Kindest Regards,
Karen Driggers - President
Christine Page - President-Elect
Claudia Jenkins- Treasure
Kelly Boyd- Secretary