

ALR Educational Services

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ALR Educational Services


I started in informatics in what was a temporary position with the intent to move on as a Hospice Nurse after a 2 year implementation.  Fast forward almost 19 years and I am Director of Informatics for a large multi-hospital system in Indiana.

I love and hate informatics.  I love what technology can do to help my fellow clinicians and patients, but hate the state of the large scale EHR's and the downstream demand it creates on us to fill its void.   I, like most informaticists, remain thick-skinned, resilient, and focused on ways to improve patient care through technology. 

I am the mother of 3 grown sons and using my empty-nest to prepare for my long-overdue certification and next year completing by DNP in Informatics.  I, like many, do not network as well as I should and am actively working to improve this.  I cannot serve my team without the help of others, so am here to serve and learn from and with you all.