Transitioning from Bricks and Mortar to New Models of Care: Implications for Nursing Informatics

When:  Dec 7, 2023 from 12:00 to 13:00 (ET)

Save the date!  This quarter’s complimentary SE Educational Committee meeting is sponsored by your Georgia chapter. 

The explosion of sensor technologies, mHealth applications, and telehealth has led to an era of “Connected Health” in which technology facilitates novel, patient-focused care delivery models. These technological advances have outpaced the traditional healthcare and nursing informatics practice methods, and the healthcare AI market is expected to grow by 37% annually until 2030.

Plan to hear Rosemary Kennedy, Chief Health Informatics Officer at Connect America, discuss this fascinating field and opportunity at a lunchtime presentation.  One CEU will be awarded.

Registration information will be posted soon.



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